Sunday, March 16, 2025

Asia Policy Monday Events, March 17, 2025

NAVIGATING THE ARCTIC–A GEOSTRATEGIC FRONTIER FOR THE U.S., JAPAN, AND PARTNERS. 3/17, 10:00-11:30am (EDT), HYBRID. Sponsor: Stimson. Speakers: Dr. Gaëlle Rivard Piché, Strategic Analyst with Defence Research and Development Canada; Captain Takahiro Ishihara, Ret. Captain of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force; Rear Admiral Lars Saunes, Ret. Rear Admiral, Norway, Professor, Distinguished International Fellow at the US Navy War College. 

DEMOCRATIC BACKSLIDING DAMAGES FAVORABLE U.S. IMAGE AMONG GLOBAL PUBLIC: IMPLICATIONS FOR ASIA. 3/17, Noon–1:30pm (EDT). IN PERSON ONLY. Sponsor: Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto. Speaker: Yusaku Horiuchi, Professor of Government and Mitsui Professor of Japanese Studies, Dartmouth College. 

KOREAN PENINSULA UPDATE WITH THE NK NEWS TEAM. 3/17, Noon (EDT), HYBRID. Sponsor: Korea Society. Speakers: Chad O'Carroll, Chief Executive Officer, Korea Risk Group; Jeongmin Kim, Lead Correspondent, NK News, Editorial Director, Korea Pro; Colin Zwirko, Senior Analytic Correspondent, NK News; Shrey as Reddy, Lead Correspondent, NK News. 

REWRITING THE NARRATIVE ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS. 3/17, 12:30-2:00pm (EDT), HYBRID. Sponsor: Nuclear Threat Initiative (NIT). Speakers: Joan Rohlfing, President and Chief Operating Officer, NTI; Dr. Emma Belcher, President, Ploughshares; Ravi Garla, Strategic Communications Consultant, NTI.

BOOK TALK: RAIN OF RUIN: TOKYO, HIROSHIMA, AND THE SURRENDER OF JAPAN. 3/17, 3:00-4:30pm (EDT). VIRTUAL. Sponsor: History and Public Policy Program, Wilson Center; American Historical Association. Speakers: Richard Overy, Professor of History, University of Exeter, author of Rain of Ruin: Tokyo, Hiroshima, and the Surrender of Japan. PURCHASE BOOK:

BOOK TALK: BEING KOREAN, BECOMING JAPANESE?: NATIONHOOD, CITIZENSHIP, AND RESISTANCE IN JAPAN. 3/17, 4:00-5:30pm (EDT), HYBRID. Sponsor: University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies. Speaker: author Hwaji Shin, Professor of Sociology, University of San Francisco, fmr. Toyota Visiting Professor, University of Michigan. PURCHASE BOOK: 

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