Monday, March 3, 2025

Asia Policy Events, Monday March 3, 2025

TRANSATLANTIC CHALLENGES FOR THE NEXT GERMAN GOVERNMENT. 3/3, 10:00-11:30am (EST), IN PERSON ONLY. Sponsor: American-German Institute. Speakers: Thurid Hurstedt, Dean of Graduate Programmes, Professor of Public Administration and Management, Hertie School; Eric Langenbacher, Senior Fellow, Director, Society, Culture & Politics Program, AGI; Andrea Römmele, Dean of Executive Education, Professor, Communication in Politics and Civil Society, Hertie School.

RESHAPING THE MIDDLE EAST: A CONVERSATION WITH AMJAD TAHA. 3/3, Noon-1:30 pm, HYBRID. Sponsor: Hudson Institute. Speaker: Amjad Taha, a UAE-based political strategist and analyst.

89 SECONDS TO MIDNIGHT: IS TIME RUNNING OUT ON NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL? 3/3, 4:00-5:30pm (PST),  7:00pm (EST), HYBRID. Sponsors: Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University. Speakers: Jerry Brown, former Governor of California; Alexandra Bell, President and CEO, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist.; Herb Lin, Senior research scholar for cyber policy and security, Center for International Security and Cooperation; Rose Gottemoeller, William J. Perry Lecturer, Stanford University's Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University. 

N.B.: As Trump cuts to the Federal Government's intellectual infrastructure sink in, expect to see a lot fewer events and policy papers at think tanks. Very few are aligned with Trump and all have had their funding for projects and studies ended--even mid stream. 

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