JAPAN CHAIR FORUM: TORU HASHIMOTO, THE FUTURE OF THE US-JAPAN ALLIANCE. 3/27, 10:00-11:00am. Sponsor: CSIS. Speaker: Toru Hashimoto, Founder, Nihon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party), Former Governor of Osaka, Former Mayor of Osaka City; Moderator: Michael J. Green, Senior Vice President for Asia, Japan Chair, CSIS.
NORTH KOREA’S HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES: THE CRIMES OF A BELLIGERENT STATE. 3/27, 10:00am-3:40pm. Sponsors: AEI; Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK); Yonsei Center for Human Liberty. Speakers: Virginia Bennett, US Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Nicholas Eberstadt, AEI; Joanna Hosaniak, Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights; H. E. Ahn Ho-Young, Republic of Korea Ambassador to the United States; Sung Han Kim, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea; Taehyo Kim, Sungkyunkwan University; Robert King, Former US Special Envoy on North Korean Human Rights; Michael Kirby, Former Justice of High Court, Australia; Jung-Hoon Lee, Republic of Korea Ambassador for North Korean Human Rights; David Maxwell, Georgetown University, HRNK; William Newcomb, 38 North; Yeo Sang Yoon, Database Center for North Korean Human Rights; Greg Scarlatoiu, HRNK; Joshua Stanton, One Free Korea.
REEXAMINING NORTH KOREA POLICY: A BLUE-SKY APPROACH. 3/27, 12:30-2:00pm. Sponsor: Capitol Hill Asia Policy Dialogue Series, Mansfield Foundation. Speakers: Celeste Arrington, Korea Foundation Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, GWU; Daniel Aum, Director, Government and Media Relations, National Bureau of Asian Research; Keith Luse, Executive Director, National Committee on North Korea.
THE NORTH AMERICAN ARTIC: BUILDING A VISION FOR REGIONAL COLLABORATION. 3/27, 1:00-5:00pm. Sponsors: Canada Institute; Environmental Change and Security Program, Polar Initiative, Woodrow Wilson Center (WWC). Speakers: Hon. Jane Harman, President, CEO, WWC; Hon. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), US Senator; Hon. Peter Taptuna, Premier, Government of Nunavut; Hon. Vittus Qujaukitsoq, Minister of Industry, Labour, Trade, Energy and Foreign Affairs, Government of Greenland; Hon. Byron Mallot, Lieutenant Governor of Alaska; Hon. Larry Bagnell, Member, Parliament for Yukon, Government of Canada; Laura Dawson, Director, Canada Institute, WWC; Kells Boland, Founding Principal, PROLOG Canada; Maryscott Greenwood, Principal, Dentons; Mead Treadwell, Former Lieutenant Governor of Alaska; Lillian Brewster, Vice President, Indigenous Community Relations & Development, ATCO Group; Stephen Van Dine, Assistant Deputy Minister, Northern Affairs, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada; Cedar Swan, CEO, Adventure Canada; Mayor Madeleine Redfern, City of Iqaluit; Moderators: Mike Sfraga, Director, Polar Initiative, WWC; John Higginbotham, Head of Arctic Program, CIGI; Jennifer Spence, Research Associate, CIGI, PhD Candidate, Carleton University.
IDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROGRESS ON ENERGY AND CLIMATE POLICY. 3/27, 1:30-4:30pm. Sponsor: Brookings. Speakers: Robert E. Rubin, Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations, Former U.S. Treasury Secretary; Ellen D. Williams, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Physics, IPST, University of Maryland; James Connaughton, President, CEO, Nautilus Data Technologies; John Deutch, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Michael Greenstone Milton Friedman Professor in Economics, Director, Energy Policy Institute, University of Chicago; Cass R. Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard University; Trevor Houser, Partner, Rhodium Group; David Schwietert,Executive Vice President, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers; Matthew Kahn, Professor of Economics, University of Southern California; Steven H. Strongin, Head of Global Investment Research, Goldman Sachs; Alice Hill, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Former White House Senior Director for Resilience Policy; Mindy S. Lubber, President, Founding Board Member, CERES; Ted Halstead, Founder, President, CEO, Climate Leadership Council; Moderators: Brad Plumer, Senior Editor, Vox; Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, Director, Hamilton Project, Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, Brookings; Sam Ori, Executive Director, Energy Policy Institute, University of Chicago.
CHINA IN THE ERA OF XI JINPING: PRECEDENTS AND COMPARISONS. 3/27, 2:00-3:30pm. Sponsor: Stimson Center. Speakers: Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Chancellor’s Professor of History, University of California, Irvine; Aynne Kokas, Assistant Professor, Media Studies, University of Virginia; Yun Sun, Senior Associate, East Asia Program, Stimson Center.
THE CHALLENGE OF EMERGING ENCRYPTION TECHNOLOGIES. 3/27, 3:00-4:30pm. Sponsor: Homeland Security Policy Institute, Program on Extremism, GWU Law School. Speakers: Lorenzo Vidino, Director, Program on Extremism, GWU; Steven Knapp, President, GWU; Baroness Shields, Minister for Internet Safety and Security, United Kingdom; Ross La Jeunesse, Global Head of International Affairs, Google; James A. Baker, General Counsel, Federal Bureau of Investigation; Bruce Sewell, General Counsel, Apple; Luigi Soreca, Director for Internal Security, European Commission; Moderator: Shane Harris, Senior Writer, Wall Street Journal.
THE CHALLENGE OF EMERGING ENCRYPTION TECHNOLOGIES. 3/27, 3:00-4:30pm. Sponsor: Homeland Security Policy Institute, Program on Extremism, GWU Law School. Speakers: Lorenzo Vidino, Director, Program on Extremism, GWU; Steven Knapp, President, GWU; Baroness Shields, Minister for Internet Safety and Security, United Kingdom; Ross La Jeunesse, Global Head of International Affairs, Google; James A. Baker, General Counsel, Federal Bureau of Investigation; Bruce Sewell, General Counsel, Apple; Luigi Soreca, Director for Internal Security, European Commission; Moderator: Shane Harris, Senior Writer, Wall Street Journal.