2015 GLOBAL MONITORING REPORT: DEPTH, BREADTH AND SHARED PROSPERITY. 3/28, 8:30am-1:00pm. Sponsors: George Washington University (GWU); World Bank. Speakers: Philip Schellekens, Lead Author and Manager of the Global Monitoring Report, World Bank; Stephen C. Smith, Director of the Institute for International Economic Policy, GWU; Francisco Ferreira, Senior Advisor, Development Research Group, World Bank; Sabina Alkire, Professor of Economics and International Affairs, GWU; Joao Pedro Azevedo, Lead Economist, Poverty and Equity, World Bank; Luis Felipe Lopez-Calva, Co-Director of the World Development Report 2017; Danny Leipziger, Professor of International Business, GWU; James Foster, Professor of Economics and International Affairs, GWU.
EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE 2016 NUCLEAR INDUSTRY SUMMIT. 3/28, Noon-1:00pm. Sponsor: Global America Business Institute (GABI). Speaker: Jack Eldow, President, Eldow International.
PLUTONIUM AND HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM 2015. 3/28, Noon-2:00pm. Sponsor: Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS). Speakers: David Albright, President and Founder, ISIS; Serena Kelleher-Vergantini, Research Analyst, ISIS.
ASSESSING THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP: INNOVATIONS IN TRADING RULES. 3/28. Noon-2:00pm, Webcast. Sponsor: Peterson Institute for International Economics (IIE). Speakers: Jeffrey J. Schott, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Robert Z. Lawrence, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Lee G. Branstetter, Peterson Institute for International Economics.
ASSESSING THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP: INNOVATIONS IN TRADING RULES. 3/28. Noon-2:00pm, Webcast. Sponsor: Peterson Institute for International Economics (IIE). Speakers: Jeffrey J. Schott, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Robert Z. Lawrence, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Lee G. Branstetter, Peterson Institute for International Economics.
COUNTERING TAJIK-AFGHAN BORDER INSECURITY. 3/28, 12:30-2:00pm. Sponsor: Open Society Foundations. Speakers: Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh, Research Associate, Peace Research Institute, Oslo; Derek Westfall, Deputy Director, Office of Central Asian Affairs, U.S. State Department.
WOMEN, WATER AND SUSTAINABILITY. 3/28, 12:30-2:00pm. Sponsor: SAIS, Johns Hopkins. Speakers: Karin Krchnak, Director of the Freshwater Program, World Wildlife Foundation; Marjorie Mulhall, Senior Legislative Counsel, Earthjustice.
CHINA'S “BELT AND ROAD” INITIATIVE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT. 3/28, 2:00-3:30pm. Sponsor: CSIS. Speakers: Ziad Haider, Special Representative for Commercial and Business Affairs, Bureau of Economics and Business Affairs, U.S. Department of State; John Hurley, Director, International Debt and Development Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Olin Wethington, Chairman and Principal, Wethington International LLC; Christopher Johnson; Senior Advisor and Chair in China Studies, CSIS.
FROM PYONGYANG TO TEHRAN: U.S. AND JAPANESE PERSPECTIVES ON NUCLEAR DEALS. 3/28, 2:00-5:30pm. Sponsor: Carnegie. Speakers: Nobumasa Akiyama, Professor of Law, Hitotsubashi University; Robert Gallucci, Distinguished Professor of Diplomacy, Georgetown University; George Perkovich, Vice President for Studies, Carnegie; James L. Schoff, Senior Associate, Carnegie's Asia Program; Koichiro Tanaka, Managing Director, Institute of Energy Economics of Japan; Suzanna Maloney, Deputy Director of Foreign Policy Program, Brookings; James M. Acton, Co-Director, Nuclear Policy Program, Carnegie.
PREDICTING THE HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF NUCLEAR TERRORISM SCENARIOS. 3/28, 4:00-5:00pm. Sponsor: CSIS. Speaker: Timothy Jorgensen, Associate Professor and Director, Health, Physics and Radiation Protection Program, Georgetown University.
THINK TANKS – WHAT DO THEY REALLY CONTRIBUTE? 3/28, 6:00pm. Sponsor: Project for the Study of the 21st Century. Speakers: Andrew Selee, Executive Vice President, Wilson Center; Peter Apps, Global Affairs Columnist, Reuters; Maria Stephen, Senior Policy Fellow, United States Institute of Peace.
CHALLENGES OF “NOW” AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUTURE U.S. ARMY. 3/28, 6:00-8:00pm. Sponsor: RAND Corporation. Speaker: Author Dr. David Johnson, Senior Political Science and Senior Historian, RAND Corporation.