12/1 - WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2015: MIND, SOCIETY AND BEHAVIOR released by the World Bank. Participate in a live chat on December 4th from 10:30am to Noon EST HERE
12/1-12 - United Nations Climate Change Conference. 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20). Lima, Peru.
12/1-2 - Migration Forum and launch of International Migration Outlook 2014. Paris, France.
12/1-12 - United Nations Climate Change Conference. 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20). Lima, Peru.
12/1-2 - Migration Forum and launch of International Migration Outlook 2014. Paris, France.
IRAN NUCLEAR EXTENSION: KEY TO DEAL OR AN EMPTY ROOM? 12/1, 10:00-11:00am. Sponsor: Woodrow Wilson Center (WWC) Middle East Program. Speakers: Former Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif., director, president and CEO of WWC; Robert Einhorn, senior fellow at The Brookings Institution; Ali Vaez, senior analyst on Iran at the International Crisis Group; Robin Wright, scholar at WWC and the United States Institute of Peace; Aaron David Miller, vice president for new initiatives at WWC; Robert Litwak, vice president of scholar and academic relations at WWC.
RUSSIAN-AMERICAN ENERGY DEVELOPMENT: CURRENT STATUS, FUTURE STEPS. 12/1, Noon-6:30pm. Sponsors: American Institute of Energy Efficiency; Embassy of Russia. Speakers: Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kisliyak; Adrian Herrera, executive director of Arctic Power; Justin Russell, principal at Rialitas Public Strategies LLC; Charles McConnell, executive director of the Energy and Environment Initiative at Rice University; Claire Casey, managing director at Garten Rothkopf; Mike Moore, vice president of Fearn Oil Inc.
ADAPTING INTELLIGENCE FOR NEW NATIONAL SECURITY CHALLENGES. 12/1, 5:00-6:30pm. Sponsor: Atlantic Council. Speakers: U.S. National Intelligence Council Chairman Gregory Treverton; Moderator: Frederick Kempe, president and CEO, Atlantic Council.
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