Monday, September 8, 2014
(Local time in Sri Lanka)
View Kelaniya Temple on the outskirts of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Depart from Colombo (Bandaranaike) International Airport on private government aircraft
(Japan time)
08:59 Finish visit to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, arrive at Haneda Airport on private government aircraft with wife Akie
09:10 Depart from Haneda Airport
09:34 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:00 At private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo (no morning visitors)
09:32 Depart from private residence
09:47 Arrive at office
09:48 Interview open to all media: When asked “What do you think of a Japanese player taking second in the US Open Tennis Championships?” Mr. Abe answers “I want our players to do their best to take first.”
09:49 Interview ends
10:02 Cabinet Meeting begins
10:13 Cabinet Meeting ends
10:18 Speak with Minister in charge of Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan Ishiba Shigeru
10:29 Finish speaking with Mr. Ishiba
10:30 Speak with State Minister of Cabinet Office Taira Masaaki
10:43 Finish speaking with Mr. Taira
11:12 Depart from office
11:20 Arrive at Imperial Palace, register return to Japan
11:27 Depart from Imperial Palace
11:37 Arrive at office
12:09 Ruling Party Liaison Conference
12:24 Conference ends
12:25 Speak with Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide, LDP Secretary-General Tanigaki Sadakazu, and Chairman of LDP Election Committee Motegi Toshimitsu
12:38 Finish speaking with Mr. Suga, Mr. Tanigaki, and Mr. Motegi
01:09 Meet with Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Obuchi Yuko, Commissioner of Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Ueda Takayuki, and Secretary-General of Nuclear Regulation Authority Ikeda Katsuhiko
01:33 End meeting with Ms. Obuchi, Mr. Ueda, and Mr. Ikeda
01:41 Speak with Cabinet Office’s Director-General of Decoration Bureau Kuroba Ryosuke
01:47 Finish speaking with Mr. Kuroba
01:51 Meet with Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Saiki Akitaka
02:49 End meeting with Mr. Saiki
Receive courtesy call from truck driver Yamane Rie, plasterer Fukuyoshi Natsuko, and colleagues (female truckers and construction workers)
03:03 Courtesy call ends
03:04 Meet with Mr. Saiki
03:28 End meeting with Mr. Saiki
03:39 Filming for event concerned with women
03:42 Filming ends
Receive courtesy call from CEO of US space venture SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk
04:14 Courtesy call ends
Council on National Strategic Zones meeting
04:55 Meeting ends
05:06 Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru, Director of National Security Council (NSC) Yachi Shotaro, and Director of Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center Shimohira Koji enter
05:19 Mr. Yachi and Mr. Shimohira leave
05:26 Mr. Kitamura leaves
Receive courtesy call from President of House of Councillors of Morocco Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah
06:23 Courtesy call ends
06:33 Depart from office
06:53 Arrive at private residence
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:00 At private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo (no morning visitors)
09:30 Depart from private residence
09:44 Arrive at office
Receive courtesy call from Australia’s Speaker of the House of Representatives Bronwyn Bishop
10:19 Courtesy call ends
Council for the Protection of Information meeting
11:14 Meeting ends
Ceremony to Present Prime Minister’s Commendation to Contributors for Disaster Prevention
11:37 Ceremony ends
11:38 Meet with Minister in charge of Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan Ishiba Shigeru
12:03 End meeting with Mr. Ishiba
12:06 Depart from office
12:07 Arrive at official residence
Lunch meeting with female ambassadors to Japan hosted by Prime Minister Abe
01:22 Lunch meeting ends
01:23 Depart from official residence
01:24 Arrive at office
03:05 Depart from office
Arrive at free school Tokyo Shure in Kishimachi, Tokyo. Engage in activities with pupils who had issues attending school, and have an exchange of ideas with those pupils
04:04 Interview open to all media: When asked “What was your aim in visiting the school?” Mr. Abe answers “My take-away is that there are a variety of methods to approaching education. I want to examine what support we can offer academically and economically.”
04:14 Interview ends
04:46 Arrive at office
05:00 NSC meeting
05:52 NSC meeting ends
05:53 Meet with Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Obuchi Yuko, Minister of the Environment Mochizuki Yoshio, and Secretary-General of Nuclear Regulation Authority Ikeda Katsuhiko
06:20 End meeting with Ms. Obuchi, Mr. Mochizuki, and Mr. Ikeda
06:24 Depart from office
06:25 Arrive at official residence. Dinner with LDP incoming Secretary-General Tanigaki Sadakazu and outgoing Secretary-General Ishiba Shigeru, Chairperson of General Council Nikai Toshihiro, incoming Chairperson of Policy Research Council Inada Tomomi and outgoing Chairperson Takaichi Sanae, and colleagues
08:16 Everyone leaves
Thursday, September 11, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
08:00 At official residence (no morning visitors)
09:24 Depart from official residence
09:25 Arrive at office
Receive courtesy call from Japan Foundation Asia Center’s First Dispatch Group of Japanese Language Partners Enda Tamao and others
09:43 Courtesy call ends
09:52 Depart from office
09:59 Arrive at Japan Fire Station Hall [日本消防会館: Nihon Shobo Kaikan] in Toranomon, Tokyo
Attend National Memorial Service for Firefighters Who Lost Their Lives on Duty in Nissho Hall, deliver address, and offer flowers
10:31 Memorial service ends
10:32 Depart from Nissho Hall
10:37 Arrive at office
10:38 Meet with Minister of State for Regulatory Reform Arimura Haruko
11:05 End meeting with Ms. Arimura
Interview with Vice-Chair of International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Jacques Lochard and other radiation specialists. Chairman of The Nippon Foundation Sasakawa Yohei also attends
11:27 Interview ends
Robot Revolution Realization Council meeting
12:07 Meeting ends
12:12 Conference with President of Bank of Japan Kuroda Haruhiko commences
01:06 Conference with Mr. Kuroda closes
01:21 Depart from office
01:26 Arrive at Hotel Okura in Toranomon, Tokyo. Attend remembrance ceremony in honor of former Chairman of Cabinet Legislation Bureau, the late Komatsu Ichiro. Offer flowers and deliver address
01:41 Depart from hotel
01:49 Arrive at office
02:03 Meet with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)’s Director-General of Foreign Policy Bureau Hiramatsu Kenji and Director of Gender Mainstreaming Division Matsukawa Rui
02:47 End meeting with Mr. Hiramatsu and Ms. Matsukawa
02:48 Speak with Cabinet Advisor Furusawa Mitsuhiro and Executive Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kajikawa Mikio
02:59 Finish speaking with Mr. Furusawa and Mr. Kajikawa
03:00 Speak with Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary Furuya Kazuyuki
03:10 Finish speaking with Mr. Furuya
03:36 Depart from office
03:46 Arrive at Nippon Broadcasting System in Yuraku-cho, Tokyo
04:00 Participate in radio program “The Voice: Soko made iu ka!” [ザ・ボイス そこまで言うか!]
04:32 Finish participation in radio program
04:36 Depart from Nippon Broadcasting System
04:40 Arrive at office
04:47 Meet with MOFA’s Director-General of Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau Ihara Junichi
05:16 End meeting with Mr. Ihara
05:17 Speak with Ministry of Defense’s Administrative Vice-Minister Nishi Masanori and Director-General of Bureau of Defense Policy Kuroe Tetsuro
05:27 Finish speaking with Mr. Nishi and Mr. Kuroe
05:31 Meet with Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization Amari Akira
05:51 End meeting with Mr. Amari
05:52 Meet with Minister for Foreign Affairs Kishida Fumio and MOFA’s Director-General of European Affairs Bureau Hayashi Hajime
06:17 End meeting Mr. Kishida and Mr. Hayashi
06:33 Depart from office
06:47 Arrive at sushi restaurant Kozasa in Shinsen-cho, Tokyo. Dinner meeting hosted by Prime Minister Abe for Managing Director of IMF Christine Lagarde, Mr. Furusawa and Mr. Hiramatsu also attend
08:42 Depart from restaurant
08:48 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
Friday, September 12, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:00 At private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo (no morning visitors)
08:45 Depart from private residence
09:00 Arrive at office
09:03 Speak with Chairman of General Assembly of LDP Members in House of Councillors Mizote Kensei. Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide also attends
09:18 Finish speaking with Mr. Mizote
09:19 Speak with Minister in charge of Promoting Women’s Active Participation Arimura Haruko
09:26 Finish speaking with Ms. Arimura
09:27 Speak with Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy Amari Akira and Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office Matsuyama Kenji
09:36 Finish speaking with Mr. Amari and Mr. Matsuyama
Strategic Headquarters for Space Development meeting
09:58 Meeting ends
10:03 Cabinet Meeting begins
10:17 Cabinet Meeting ends
Joint Meeting of Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Council
10:40 Joint meeting ends
Headquarters for Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan meeting
11:09 Meeting ends
11:10 Meet with Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru
11:41 End meeting with Mr. Kitamura
11:42 Speak with MOFA’s Vice-Minister Saiki Akitaka and Director-General of Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau Uemura Tsukasa. Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary Kanehara Nobukatsu also attends
11:53 Finish speaking with Mr. Saiki and Mr. Uemura
11:54 Speak with Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture Yuzaki Hidehiko
12:00 Finish speaking with Mr. Yuzaki
12:44 Speak with Director of NSC Yachi Shotaro
12:53 Finish speaking with Mr. Yachi
12:57 Depart from office
Arrive at Federation of Economic Organizations [Keidanren] Assembly Hall in Otemachi, Tokyo. Attend World Assembly for Women [女性が輝く社会に向けた国際シンポジウム: Jyosei ga Kagayaku Shakai ni muketa Kokusai Shinpojiumu] in International Meeting Hall, give speech
03:27 Receive courtesy call from former President of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Naina Lal Kidwai and colleagues in Momoyama Room
03:47 Courtesy call ends
Ms. Zainab Hawa Bangura |
03:53 Receive courtesy call from Special Representative of Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zainab Hawa Bangura and colleagues in Muromachi Room
04:17 Courtesy call ends
04:25 Receive courtesy call from U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy in Momoyama Room
04:55 Receive courtesy call from former Prime Minister of UK Tony Blair’s wife Cherie in Muromachi Room
05:17 Courtesy call ends
05:23 Conference with Speaker of Jatiyo Sangshad (Bangladesh’s Parliament) Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in Momoyama Room
05:42 Conference ends
06:05 Attend World Assembly for Women reception in Diamond Room, deliver address
06:51 Reception ends
06:52 Depart from Federation of Economic Organizations [Keidanren] Assembly Hall
07:29 Arrive at private residence
Saturday, September 13, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:00 At private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo (no morning visitors)
08:36 Depart from official residence
Arrive at Roppongi Hills Mori Tower in Roppongi, Tokyo. Attend a high-level round table of World Assembly for Women in cultural center Roppongi Academy Hills within Mori Tower, deliver opening greeting
10:06 Receive courtesy call from Co-Chair of Disney Media Networks Anne Sweeney and colleagues at Italian restaurant La Cucina within membership club Roppongi Hills Club
10:30 Courtesy call ends
10:34 Receive courtesy call from Executive Director of UN Women Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka and colleagues
10:51 Courtesy call ends
11:03 Participate in subcommittee small group meeting of World Assembly for Women in Roppongi Academy Hills
12:26 Subcommittee meeting ends
12:27 Depart from Roppongi Academy Hills
12:28 Arrive at hotel Grand Hyatt Tokyo in Roppongi, Tokyo. Dinner with secretaries at Japanese restaurant Shunbou within hotel
01:40 Depart from restaurant
Arrive at Tokyo Metropolitan Hibiya Public Hall in Hibiya Park, Tokyo. Attend assembly related to North Korean abduction issues Citizens’ Rally: “We cannot wait any longer! We want results this year!” and deliver address
02:15 Depart from Hibiya Park
02:32 Arrive at private residence
Sunday, September 14, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:18 Depart from private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
08:32 Arrive at NHK Chiyoda Broadcasting Hall in Kioi-cho, Tokyo
09:00 Appear in debate programming
09:30 Finish debate
09:33 Depart from NHK Chiyoda Broadcasting Hall
09:50 Arrive at private residence
Stay at private residence throughout the afternoon and evening (no visitors)
Provisional Translation by: Erin M. Jones