(1993, Kono Statement issued)
09:34 Finish tour of 5 South and Central American countries with wife Akie. Arrive at Haneda airport in personal government aircraft
09:50 Depart from Haneda Airport
10:14 Arrive at Imperial Palace, register return to Japan
10:21 Depart from Imperial Palace
10:29 Arrive at Lower House 1st Diet Members’ Meeting Hall. Receive dental examination at dentist’s office inside hall
10:58 Depart from meeting hall
11:12 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
Stay at private residence throughout afternoon and evening (no visitors)
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:00 At private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo (no visitors)
08:59 Depart from private residence
09:17 Arrive at LDP Party Headquarters
09:20 Speak with President of Japan Forum on International Relations Ito Kenichi
09:29 Finish speaking with Mr. Ito
09:30 LDP Officers Meeting
09:57 Meeting ends
09:59 Depart from LDP Party Headquarters
10:00 Arrive at office
10:04 Cabinet Meeting begins
10:18 Cabinet Meeting ends
10:26 Headquarters for the Abduction Issue meeting
10:32 Meeting ends
10:36 Speak with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Aso Taro
10:42 Finish speaking with Mr. Aso
10:43 Meet with Minister for Foreign Affairs Kishida Fumio, Director of National Security Council (NSC) Yachi Shotaro, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)’s Vice-Minister Saiki Akitaka, Administrative Vice-Minister Sugiyama Shinsuke, and Director-General of European Affairs Bureau Hayashi Hajime
11:07 End meeting with Mr. Kishida, Mr. Yachi, Mr. Saiki, Mr. Sugiyama and Mr. Hayashi
11:08 Inaugural address by Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to UN Okamura Yoshifumi and colleagues
11:14 End of address
11:16 Addresses from Japan Self-Defense Force incoming and outgoing leaders
11:26 End of addresses
11:36 Meet with Mr. Saiki
11:56 End meeting with Mr. Saiki
12:11 Ruling Party Liaison Conference
12:26 Conference ends
01:16 Meet with Administrative Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Hara Katsunori
01:46 End meeting with Mr. Katsunori
01:50 Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru, Mr. Yachi, and Deputy Director-General of Public Security Intelligence Agency Kojima Yoshiharu enter
01:58 Mr. Yachi and Mr. Kojima both leave
02:24 Mr. Kitamura leaves
02:31 Depart from office
02:34 Arrive at LDP Party Headquarters, attend Policy Information Session and deliver address
02:53 Depart from LDP Party Headquarters
02:55 Arrive at office
02:56 Meet with Mr. Yachi and Mr. Saiki
03:11 End meeting with Mr. Yachi and Mr. Saiki
03:27 Film for video message on relevance of relief measures for Tohoku Earthquake
03:39 Finish filming
03:40 Meet with Ministry of Finance (MOF)’s Mr. Aso, Vice-Minister Kagawa Shunsuke, Director-General of Budget Bureau Tanaka Kazuho, and Director-General of Tax Bureau Sato Shinichi
04:22 End meeting with Mr. Aso, Mr. Kagawa, Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Sato
04:23 Depart from office
04:50 Arrive at Haneda Airport
05:16 Depart from airport on ANA Flight 683
06:16 Arrive at Hiroshima Airport
06:28 Depart from airport
07:22 Arrive at Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima in Minami Ward, Hiroshima City
07:37 Dinner with secretaries and office staff at restaurant Boston inside hotel
08:32 Finish dinner
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
12:00 Stay the night at Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima (no visitors)
07:39 Depart from Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima
07:51 Arrive at Peace Memorial Park in Naka Ward, Hiroshima City
08:00 Attend Ceremony to Console Victims of the Bomb and Ceremony to Pray for Peace (of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony), offer flowers and deliver address
08:52 Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony ends
08:58 Depart from Peace Memorial Park
09:05 Arrive at Rihga Royal Hotel Hiroshima in Naka Ward, Hiroshima City
09:30 Attend Meeting to Hear Request from Bomb Victim Representatives in banquet hall Royal Hall, informal talk. Minister for Foreign Affairs Kishida Fumio and Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Tamura Norihisa also attend
10:22 Meeting ends
10:27 Press conference in banquet hall
10:37 Press conference ends
10:45 Depart from hotel
11:32 Arrive at Hiroshima Airport
12:03 Depart from airport on JAL Flight 1604
01:37 Arrive at Haneda Airport
01:52 Depart from airport
02:12 Arrive at Lower House 1st Diet Members’ Meeting Hall, receive dental examination at dentist’s office inside hall
02:40 Depart from meeting hall
02:41 Arrive at office
03:13 Speak with Governor of Okinawa Prefecture Nakaima Hirokazu. Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide also attends
03:23 Finish speaking with Mr. Nakaima
03:24 Speak with Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)’s Vice-Minister Oishi Toshio and Commissioner of Fire and Disaster Agency Sakamoto Morio
03:34 Finish speaking with Mr. Oishi and Mr. Sakamoto
03:35 Meet with State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Akaba Kazuyoshi
04:07 End meeting with Mr. Akaba
04:08 Receive proposal from Ruling Parties’ Headquarters for Accelerating Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake’s LDP Chairman Oshima Tadamori and New Komeito Chairman Inoue Yoshihisa
04:20 Finish receiving proposal
04:31 Meet with Vice-Minister of Finance Kagawa Shunsuke and Vice-Minister of Finance for International Affairs Yamasaki Tatsuo
04:51 End meeting with Mr. Kagagwa and Mr. Yamasaki
05:25 Meet with Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization Amari Akira
05:44 End meeting with Mr. Amari
05:49 Depart from office
06:02 Arrive at salon HAIR GUEST in Shibuya, Tokyo. Hair cut
07:41 Depart from salon
07:52 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
Thursday, August 7, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:00 At private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo (no visitors)
09:27 Depart from private residence
09:43 Arrive at office
09:48 Meet with Governor of Tokyo Prefecture Masuzoe Yoichi. Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide also attends
10:27 End meeting with Mr. Masuzoe
10:44 Receive National Personnel Authority (NPA) recommendation from President of NPA Ichimiya Nahomi. Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform Inada Tomomi, Director-General for Cabinet Bureau of Personnel Affairs Kato Katsunobu and Mr. Suga also attend
10:58 Finish receiving recommendation from Ms. Ichimiya
11:18 Meet with regional development headquarters establishment preparation office [まち・ひと・しごと創生本部設立準備室:machi・hito・shigoto sosei honbu setsuritsu jyunbishitsu] Chairman Furuya Kazuyuki and Deputy Chairman Yamasaki Shiro
11:48 End meeting with Mr. Furuya and Mr. Yamasaki
11:49 Speak with Stanford University Professor Hoshi Takeo and Cabinet Advisor Honda Etsuro
12:03 Finish speaking with Mr. Hoshi and Mr. Honda
01:46 Speak with Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Kimura Taro and Upper House member Takagai Emiko
01:51 Finish speaking with Mr. Kimura and Ms. Takagai
01:52 Meet with Minister of State for Special Missions Yamamoto Ichita
02:09 End meeting with Mr. Yamamoto
02:10 Meet with former LDP Secretary-General Takebe Tsutomu
02:30 End meeting with Mr. Takebe
02:32 Receive courtesy call from astronaut Wakata Koichi
02:40 Courtesy call ends
02:41 Meet with Chairman of Japan War-Bereaved Families Association [日本遺族会:Nippon Izokukai] Otsuji Hidehisa
02:59 End meeting with Mr. Otsuji
03:52 Speak with Space Policy Commission’s Chairman Kasai Yoshiyuki and Acting Chairman Matsui Takufumi
04:02 Finish speaking with Mr. Kasai and Mr. Matsui
04:21 Meet with Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Inada Tomomi
04:37 End meeting with Ms. Inada
04:38 Meet with Yamaguchi Prefecture’s Mayor of Nagato City Onishi Kurao and Mayor of Shimonoseki City Nakao Tomiaki
05:03 End meeting with Mr. Onishi and Mr. Nakao
05:04 Meet with Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru
05:38 End meeting with Mr. Kitamura
06:34 Depart from office
06:35 Arrive at official residence. Dinner meeting with Advisory Panel on Reconstruction of the Legal Basis for Security’s Chairman Yanai Shunji and Acting Chair Kitaoka Shinichi, and colleagues. Mr. Suga, Director of NSC Yachi Shotaro, and colleagues also attend
08:25 Everyone leaves
Friday, August 8, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
08:00 At official residence (no morning visitors)
09:54 Depart from official residence
09:56 Arrive at office
10:38 Speak with Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense Tokuchi Hideshi
10:44 Finish speaking with Mr. Tokuchi
10:45 Speak with Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Takeda Ryota
10:58 Finish speaking with Mr. Takeda
11:03 Speak with Honorary Executive Consultant of JX Holdings Watari Fumiaki and Chairman of JX Nippon Oil and Energy Kimura Yasushi
11:16 Finish speaking with Mr. Watari and Mr. Kimura
11:17 Meet with Board Chairman of Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum and former Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy Omi Koji
11:50 End meeting with Mr. Omi
12:04 Lunch with LDP Vice-President Komura Masahiko and Deputy Chief Representative of New Komeito Kitagawa Kazuo
01:14 Finish lunch
01:15 Speak with Mr. Komura
01:19 Finish speaking with Mr. Komura
02:20 Speak with Josai University project professor Doi Yukio
02:30 Finish speaking with Mr. Doi
03:38 Interview with Nippon Keizai Shimbun
04:08 Interview ends
05:20 Meet with Director of NSC Yachi Shotaro
05:40 End meeting with Mr. Yachi
05:46 Film video message for a meeting on regional development
05:54 Finish filming
05:55 Meet with Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ohta Akihiro
06:26 End meeting with Mr. Ohta
06:30 Depart from office
06:57 Arrive at Haneda Airport
07:19 Depart from Haneda Airport on ANA Flight 669
08:47 Arrive at Nagasaki Airport
09:00 Depart from Nagasaki Airport
09:11 Arrive at Japanese restaurant Tenshin Okuzashiki in Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture. Dinner with secretaries
09:59 Depart from restaurant
10:40 Arrive at Best Western Premier Hotel Nagasaki in Nagasaki City
Saturday, August 9, 2014
12:00 Stay the night at Best Western Premier Hotel Nagasaki (no visitors)
08:00 At Best Western Premier Hotel Nagasaki (no morning visitors)
10:26 Depart from hotel
10:30 Arrive at Peace Park in Nagasaki City. Attend Ceremony to Console Nagasaki Bomb Victims and Pray for Peace, offer flowers, and deliver address
11:47 Depart from Peace Park
11:52 Arrive at Hotel New Nagasaki in Nagasaki City, lunch in banquet hall Tancho
12:19 Attend Meeting to Listen to Request from Bomb Victim Representatives in banquet hall Hoohkaku
12:55 Meeting ends
01:00 Press conference in banquet hall Hoohkaku
01:10 Press conference ends
01:12 Depart from hotel
01:49 Arrive at Nagasaki Airport
02:27 Depart from airport on ANA Flight 666
03:48 Arrive at Haneda Airport
04:00 Depart from airport
04:39 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
05:02 Depart from private residence
06:28 Arrive at Sumibi Kushiyaki I.W in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture. Dinner with Seikei University alumni
08:34 Depart from restaurant
08:46 Arrive at holiday home in Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture
08:48 Seiki University alumni enter. Alumni stay the night
Sunday, August 10, 2014
12:00 At holiday home (no new visitors)
10:00 At holiday home in Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture (no morning visitors)
Stay at holiday home throughout morning without visitors
12:32 Depart from holiday home
12:46 Arrive at Italian restaurant Ricetta in Fujikawaguchiko Town, Yamanashi Prefecture. Lunch with Mr. Abe’s mother Kishi Yoko and secretaries
01:48 Depart from restaurant
02:03 Arrive at holiday home
06:25 Depart from holiday home
06:34 Arrive at Chinese restaurant Isai Chugokusaikan Kokyu. Dinner with friends
08:49 Depart from restaurant
08:59 Arrive at holiday home
Provisional Translation by: Erin M. Jones
09:34 Finish tour of 5 South and Central American countries with wife Akie. Arrive at Haneda airport in personal government aircraft
09:50 Depart from Haneda Airport
10:14 Arrive at Imperial Palace, register return to Japan
10:21 Depart from Imperial Palace
10:29 Arrive at Lower House 1st Diet Members’ Meeting Hall. Receive dental examination at dentist’s office inside hall
10:58 Depart from meeting hall
11:12 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
Stay at private residence throughout afternoon and evening (no visitors)
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:00 At private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo (no visitors)
08:59 Depart from private residence
09:17 Arrive at LDP Party Headquarters
09:20 Speak with President of Japan Forum on International Relations Ito Kenichi
09:29 Finish speaking with Mr. Ito
09:30 LDP Officers Meeting
09:57 Meeting ends
09:59 Depart from LDP Party Headquarters
10:00 Arrive at office
10:04 Cabinet Meeting begins
10:18 Cabinet Meeting ends
10:26 Headquarters for the Abduction Issue meeting
10:32 Meeting ends
10:36 Speak with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Aso Taro
10:42 Finish speaking with Mr. Aso
10:43 Meet with Minister for Foreign Affairs Kishida Fumio, Director of National Security Council (NSC) Yachi Shotaro, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)’s Vice-Minister Saiki Akitaka, Administrative Vice-Minister Sugiyama Shinsuke, and Director-General of European Affairs Bureau Hayashi Hajime
11:07 End meeting with Mr. Kishida, Mr. Yachi, Mr. Saiki, Mr. Sugiyama and Mr. Hayashi
11:08 Inaugural address by Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to UN Okamura Yoshifumi and colleagues
11:14 End of address
11:16 Addresses from Japan Self-Defense Force incoming and outgoing leaders
11:26 End of addresses
11:36 Meet with Mr. Saiki
11:56 End meeting with Mr. Saiki
12:11 Ruling Party Liaison Conference
12:26 Conference ends
01:16 Meet with Administrative Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Hara Katsunori
01:46 End meeting with Mr. Katsunori
01:50 Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru, Mr. Yachi, and Deputy Director-General of Public Security Intelligence Agency Kojima Yoshiharu enter
01:58 Mr. Yachi and Mr. Kojima both leave
02:24 Mr. Kitamura leaves
02:31 Depart from office
02:34 Arrive at LDP Party Headquarters, attend Policy Information Session and deliver address
02:53 Depart from LDP Party Headquarters
02:55 Arrive at office
02:56 Meet with Mr. Yachi and Mr. Saiki
03:11 End meeting with Mr. Yachi and Mr. Saiki
03:27 Film for video message on relevance of relief measures for Tohoku Earthquake
03:39 Finish filming
03:40 Meet with Ministry of Finance (MOF)’s Mr. Aso, Vice-Minister Kagawa Shunsuke, Director-General of Budget Bureau Tanaka Kazuho, and Director-General of Tax Bureau Sato Shinichi
04:22 End meeting with Mr. Aso, Mr. Kagawa, Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Sato
04:23 Depart from office
04:50 Arrive at Haneda Airport
05:16 Depart from airport on ANA Flight 683
06:16 Arrive at Hiroshima Airport
06:28 Depart from airport
07:22 Arrive at Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima in Minami Ward, Hiroshima City
07:37 Dinner with secretaries and office staff at restaurant Boston inside hotel
08:32 Finish dinner

12:00 Stay the night at Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima (no visitors)
07:39 Depart from Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima
07:51 Arrive at Peace Memorial Park in Naka Ward, Hiroshima City
08:00 Attend Ceremony to Console Victims of the Bomb and Ceremony to Pray for Peace (of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony), offer flowers and deliver address
08:52 Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony ends
08:58 Depart from Peace Memorial Park
09:05 Arrive at Rihga Royal Hotel Hiroshima in Naka Ward, Hiroshima City
09:30 Attend Meeting to Hear Request from Bomb Victim Representatives in banquet hall Royal Hall, informal talk. Minister for Foreign Affairs Kishida Fumio and Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Tamura Norihisa also attend
10:22 Meeting ends
10:27 Press conference in banquet hall
10:37 Press conference ends
10:45 Depart from hotel
11:32 Arrive at Hiroshima Airport
12:03 Depart from airport on JAL Flight 1604
01:37 Arrive at Haneda Airport
01:52 Depart from airport
02:12 Arrive at Lower House 1st Diet Members’ Meeting Hall, receive dental examination at dentist’s office inside hall
02:40 Depart from meeting hall
02:41 Arrive at office
03:13 Speak with Governor of Okinawa Prefecture Nakaima Hirokazu. Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide also attends
03:23 Finish speaking with Mr. Nakaima
03:24 Speak with Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)’s Vice-Minister Oishi Toshio and Commissioner of Fire and Disaster Agency Sakamoto Morio
03:34 Finish speaking with Mr. Oishi and Mr. Sakamoto
03:35 Meet with State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Akaba Kazuyoshi
04:07 End meeting with Mr. Akaba
04:08 Receive proposal from Ruling Parties’ Headquarters for Accelerating Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake’s LDP Chairman Oshima Tadamori and New Komeito Chairman Inoue Yoshihisa
04:20 Finish receiving proposal
04:31 Meet with Vice-Minister of Finance Kagawa Shunsuke and Vice-Minister of Finance for International Affairs Yamasaki Tatsuo
04:51 End meeting with Mr. Kagagwa and Mr. Yamasaki
05:25 Meet with Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization Amari Akira
05:44 End meeting with Mr. Amari
05:49 Depart from office
06:02 Arrive at salon HAIR GUEST in Shibuya, Tokyo. Hair cut
07:41 Depart from salon
07:52 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
Thursday, August 7, 2014
12:00 At private residence (no visitors)
08:00 At private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo (no visitors)
09:27 Depart from private residence
09:43 Arrive at office
09:48 Meet with Governor of Tokyo Prefecture Masuzoe Yoichi. Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide also attends
10:27 End meeting with Mr. Masuzoe
10:44 Receive National Personnel Authority (NPA) recommendation from President of NPA Ichimiya Nahomi. Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform Inada Tomomi, Director-General for Cabinet Bureau of Personnel Affairs Kato Katsunobu and Mr. Suga also attend
10:58 Finish receiving recommendation from Ms. Ichimiya
11:18 Meet with regional development headquarters establishment preparation office [まち・ひと・しごと創生本部設立準備室:machi・hito・shigoto sosei honbu setsuritsu jyunbishitsu] Chairman Furuya Kazuyuki and Deputy Chairman Yamasaki Shiro
11:48 End meeting with Mr. Furuya and Mr. Yamasaki
11:49 Speak with Stanford University Professor Hoshi Takeo and Cabinet Advisor Honda Etsuro
12:03 Finish speaking with Mr. Hoshi and Mr. Honda
01:46 Speak with Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Kimura Taro and Upper House member Takagai Emiko
01:51 Finish speaking with Mr. Kimura and Ms. Takagai
01:52 Meet with Minister of State for Special Missions Yamamoto Ichita
02:09 End meeting with Mr. Yamamoto
02:10 Meet with former LDP Secretary-General Takebe Tsutomu
02:30 End meeting with Mr. Takebe
02:32 Receive courtesy call from astronaut Wakata Koichi
02:40 Courtesy call ends
02:41 Meet with Chairman of Japan War-Bereaved Families Association [日本遺族会:Nippon Izokukai] Otsuji Hidehisa
02:59 End meeting with Mr. Otsuji
03:52 Speak with Space Policy Commission’s Chairman Kasai Yoshiyuki and Acting Chairman Matsui Takufumi
04:02 Finish speaking with Mr. Kasai and Mr. Matsui
04:21 Meet with Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Inada Tomomi
04:37 End meeting with Ms. Inada
04:38 Meet with Yamaguchi Prefecture’s Mayor of Nagato City Onishi Kurao and Mayor of Shimonoseki City Nakao Tomiaki
05:03 End meeting with Mr. Onishi and Mr. Nakao
05:04 Meet with Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru
05:38 End meeting with Mr. Kitamura
06:34 Depart from office
06:35 Arrive at official residence. Dinner meeting with Advisory Panel on Reconstruction of the Legal Basis for Security’s Chairman Yanai Shunji and Acting Chair Kitaoka Shinichi, and colleagues. Mr. Suga, Director of NSC Yachi Shotaro, and colleagues also attend
08:25 Everyone leaves
Friday, August 8, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
08:00 At official residence (no morning visitors)
09:54 Depart from official residence
09:56 Arrive at office
10:38 Speak with Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense Tokuchi Hideshi
10:44 Finish speaking with Mr. Tokuchi
10:45 Speak with Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Takeda Ryota
10:58 Finish speaking with Mr. Takeda
11:03 Speak with Honorary Executive Consultant of JX Holdings Watari Fumiaki and Chairman of JX Nippon Oil and Energy Kimura Yasushi
11:16 Finish speaking with Mr. Watari and Mr. Kimura
11:17 Meet with Board Chairman of Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum and former Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy Omi Koji
11:50 End meeting with Mr. Omi
12:04 Lunch with LDP Vice-President Komura Masahiko and Deputy Chief Representative of New Komeito Kitagawa Kazuo
01:14 Finish lunch
01:15 Speak with Mr. Komura
01:19 Finish speaking with Mr. Komura
02:20 Speak with Josai University project professor Doi Yukio
02:30 Finish speaking with Mr. Doi
03:38 Interview with Nippon Keizai Shimbun
04:08 Interview ends
05:20 Meet with Director of NSC Yachi Shotaro
05:40 End meeting with Mr. Yachi
05:46 Film video message for a meeting on regional development
05:54 Finish filming
05:55 Meet with Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ohta Akihiro
06:26 End meeting with Mr. Ohta
06:30 Depart from office
06:57 Arrive at Haneda Airport
07:19 Depart from Haneda Airport on ANA Flight 669
08:47 Arrive at Nagasaki Airport
09:00 Depart from Nagasaki Airport
09:11 Arrive at Japanese restaurant Tenshin Okuzashiki in Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture. Dinner with secretaries
09:59 Depart from restaurant
10:40 Arrive at Best Western Premier Hotel Nagasaki in Nagasaki City
Saturday, August 9, 2014
12:00 Stay the night at Best Western Premier Hotel Nagasaki (no visitors)
08:00 At Best Western Premier Hotel Nagasaki (no morning visitors)
10:26 Depart from hotel
10:30 Arrive at Peace Park in Nagasaki City. Attend Ceremony to Console Nagasaki Bomb Victims and Pray for Peace, offer flowers, and deliver address
11:47 Depart from Peace Park
11:52 Arrive at Hotel New Nagasaki in Nagasaki City, lunch in banquet hall Tancho
12:19 Attend Meeting to Listen to Request from Bomb Victim Representatives in banquet hall Hoohkaku
12:55 Meeting ends
01:00 Press conference in banquet hall Hoohkaku
01:10 Press conference ends
01:12 Depart from hotel
01:49 Arrive at Nagasaki Airport
02:27 Depart from airport on ANA Flight 666
03:48 Arrive at Haneda Airport
04:00 Depart from airport
04:39 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
05:02 Depart from private residence
06:28 Arrive at Sumibi Kushiyaki I.W in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture. Dinner with Seikei University alumni
08:34 Depart from restaurant
08:46 Arrive at holiday home in Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture
08:48 Seiki University alumni enter. Alumni stay the night
Sunday, August 10, 2014
12:00 At holiday home (no new visitors)
10:00 At holiday home in Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture (no morning visitors)
Stay at holiday home throughout morning without visitors
12:32 Depart from holiday home
12:46 Arrive at Italian restaurant Ricetta in Fujikawaguchiko Town, Yamanashi Prefecture. Lunch with Mr. Abe’s mother Kishi Yoko and secretaries
01:48 Depart from restaurant
02:03 Arrive at holiday home
06:25 Depart from holiday home
06:34 Arrive at Chinese restaurant Isai Chugokusaikan Kokyu. Dinner with friends
08:49 Depart from restaurant
08:59 Arrive at holiday home
Provisional Translation by: Erin M. Jones
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