12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
07:27 Depart from official residence
07:28 Arrive at office
07:30 Meet with Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato Katsunobu
08:08 End meeting with Mr. Kato
08:52 Depart from office
08:53 Arrive at Diet
08:55 Enter Lower House 1st Committee Members’ Room
08:56 Speak with LDP Vice-President Komura Masahiko
08:57 Finish speaking with Mr. Komura
08:58 Lower House Budget Committee convenes
12:00 Lower House Budget Committee recess
12:01 Leave Lower House 1st Committee Members’ Room
12:03 Depart from Diet
12:05 Arrive at office
12:10 Ruling Party Liaison Conference
12:31 Conference ends
12:32 Speak with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Aso Taro and Director-General of LDP Election Strategy Committee Kawamura Takeo
12:33 Finish speaking with Mr. Aso and Mr. Kawamura
12:55 Depart from office
12:56 Arrive at Diet
12:58 Enter Lower House 1st Committee Members’ Room
01:00 Lower House Budget Committee reconvenes
05:06 Committee adjourns
05:07 Leave Lower House 1st Committee Members’ Room
05:09 Depart from Diet
05:11 Arrive at office
05:12 Meet with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)’s Administrative Vice-Ministers Saiki Akitaka and Sugiyama Shinsuke, Foreign Policy Bureau Director-General Hiramatsu Kenji, and Director-General of European Affairs Bureau Hayashi Hajime
05:42 End meeting with Mr. Saiki, Mr. Sugiyama, Mr. Hiramatsu, and Mr. Hayashi
05:43 Speak with Minister of Defense Onodera Itsunori
05:49 Finish speaking with Mr. Onodera
06:06 Depart from office
06:15 Arrive at Imperial Palace, register return to Japan
06:22 Depart from Imperial Palace
06:32 Arrive at Hotel Okura in Toranomon, Tokyo. Attend reception for International Conference of Industrial Heritage in banquet hall Heian Room
07:01 Depart from hotel
07:06 Arrive at official residence
07:07 Dinner meeting with President of Asian Forum Japan (AFJ) Yoshihara Kinichi
08:46 Meet with Chairman of Lower House Committee on Cabinet Shibayama Masahiko
09:21 End meeting with Mr. Shibayama
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
07:17 Depart from official residence
07:18 Arrive at office
07:19 Meet with Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Seko Hiroshige
08:21 End meeting with Mr. Seko
08:23 Cabinet Meeting begins
08:34 Cabinet Meeting ends
08:35 Meet with Mr. Seko
08:52 End meeting with Mr. Seko
08:55 Depart from office
08:56 Arrive at Diet
08:58 Enter Upper House 1st Committee Members’ Room
09:00 Upper House Budget Committee convenes
11:54 Committee recess
11:55 Leave room
11:56 Depart from Diet
11:59 Arrive at office
12:54 Depart from office
12:56 Arrive at Diet
12:58 Enter Upper House 1st Committee Members’ Room
01:00 Upper House Budget Committee reconvenes
05:22 Committee adjourns
05:23 Leave room
05:25 Depart from Diet
05:27 Arrive at office
05:31 Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru, National Security Council (NSC) Director Yachi Shotaro, and Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center Director Shimohira Koji enter
05:46 Mr. Yachi and Mr. Shimohira leave
05:52 Mr. Kitamura leaves
05:55 Meet with U.S.-Japan Commission on the Future of the Alliance’s U.S. think tank CSIS President John J. Hamre and colleagues
[funded by Sasakawa Peace Foundation]
06:20 End meeting with Mr. Hamre
06:41 Depart from office
06:45 Arrive at ANA Intercontinental Hotel Tokyo in Akasaka, Tokyo. Attend and give address at the meeting of a nursing policy group [看護政策懇話会 : Kango Seisaku Konwakai] in Japanese restaurant Unkai
07:05 Depart from hotel
07:11 Arrive at official residence
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
07:35 Depart from official residence
07:46 Arrive at JR Tokyo Station
07:56 Depart station on Hayabusa No. 101
09:30 Arrive at JR Sendai Station
09:38 Depart from station. Minister for Reconstruction Nemoto Takumi accompanies
10:26 Arrive at Fisheries Promotion Center in Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Prefecture. Reception with Vice-Governor of Miyagi Prefecture Wako Masahiro and Mayor of Shichigahama Town Watanabe Yoshio. Pray in front of cenotaph. View Fisheries Promotion Center
10:51 Depart from Fisheries Promotion Center
11:46 Arrive at agricultural corporation Agriead Naruse [アグリードなるせ] in Nobiru, Higashimatsuyama City, Miyagi Prefecture. Reception by Mayor of Higashimatsuyama City Abe Hideo. View site
12:08 Depart from Agriead Naruse
12:25 Arrive at wedding hall Presetir Uchiyasu in Omagari, Higashimatsuyama City. Have lunch with Mr. Wako and Mr. Abe
12:54 Depart from wedding hall
01:00 Arrive at emergency housing in Komatsu, Higashimatsuyama City. View housing and have informal talk with occupants
01:21 Interview open to all media: When asked “What were your thoughts while viewing [the emergency housing]” Mr. Abe answers “[I felt] a sense that livelihood [in the region] will be once again certain through continued reconstruction efforts”
01:25 Interview ends
01:27 Depart from emergency housing
02:24 Arrive at JR Sendai Station
02:44 Depart from station on Yamabiko No. 144
04:50 Arrive at JR Tokyo Station
04:54 Depart from station
05:07 Arrive at office
05:08 Minister of Finance Aso Taro, Ministry of Finance’s Budget Bureau Director-General Kagawa Shunsuke, Budget Bureau Director-General Tanaka Kazuho, and Tax Bureau Director-General Sato Shinichi enter
05:35 Mr. Kagawa, Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Sato leave
05:46 Mr. Aso leaves
05:47 Speak with former Ambassador to Myanmar Numata Mikio
05:52 Finish speaking with Mr. Numata
05:53 Meet with Ministry of Defense’s Bureau of Defense Policy Director-General Tokuchi Hideshi and Joint Staff Council’s Chief of Staff Iwasaki Shigeru
06:10 End meeting with Mr. Tokuchi and Mr. Iwasaki
06:37 Meet with French Ambassador to Japan Christian Masset
06:52 End meeting with Mr. Masset
07:05 Dinner with a group of ambassadors from Islamic countries
07:26 Finish dinner
07:27 Depart from office
07:29 Arrive at official residence
Thursday, July 17, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
08:00 At official residence (no morning visitors)
08:35 Depart from official residence
08:36 Arrive at office
08:37 Meet with Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform Inada Tomomi and Director-General of Personnel Affairs Kato Katsunobu
09:01 End meeting with Ms. Inada and Mr. Kato
09:02 Minister in charge of TPP Amari Akira, Chief Domestic Coordinator of Government Headquarters for the TPP Sasaki Toyonari and Chief Negotiator Tsuruoka Koji enter
09:17 Mr. Sasaki and Mr. Tsuruoka leave
09:29 Mr. Amari leaves
09:33 Council for Science, Technology and Innovation meeting
10:01 Meeting ends
10:08 Council for the Protection of Information meeting
11:00 Meeting ends
11:01 Speak with Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense Nishi Masanori
11:15 Finish speaking with Mr. Nishi
11:47 Courtesy call from Mayor of Kunimi Town (in Fukushima Prefecture), Miss Peach Lady Aikawa Kaede, and others
11:53 Courtesy call ends
11:54 Meet with Director of Kyoto University’s Kokoro Research Center Yoshikawa Sakiko
01:20 End meeting with Ms. Yoshikawa
01:21 Speak with critic Nishimura Kohyu
01:32 Finish speaking with Mr. Nishimura
01:33 Meet with Governor of Tokyo Prefecture Masuzoe Yoichi. Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide also attends
01:53 End meeting with Mr. Masuzoe
01:58 Receive courtesy call from a South Korean media delegation led by Editor-in-Chief of Chosun Ilbo Song Hee-young, and colleagues
02:31 Courtesy call ends
02:32 Meet with LDP Lower House member Kawai Katsuyuki
02:48 End meeting with Mr. Kawai
03:31 Depart from office
03:33 Arrive at Lower House 1st Diet Members’ Meeting Hall, dental examination at dentist’s office inside the hall
04:21 Depart from meeting hall
04:23 Arrive at office
04:27 Council for the Promotion of Social Security Reform meeting
04:29 Meeting ends
04:30 Meet with Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ohta Akihiro
04:49 End meeting with Mr. Ohta
04:50 Speak with Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Isozaki Yosuke
05:00 Finish speaking with Mr. Isozaki
05:02 Ministerial Council on Monthly Economic Report and Other Relative Issues meeting
05:25 Meeting ends
05:30 NSC meeting commences. Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Motegi Toshimitsu also attends
05:47 Mr. Motegi leaves
06:25 NSC meeting adjourns
07:07 Depart from office
07:08 Arrive at official residence
Friday, July 18, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
08:00 At official residence (no morning visitors)
08:28 Depart from official residence
08:29 Arrive at Diet
08:30 Interview open to all media: When asked “What was your correspondence with the government concerning the Malaysian plane crash?” Mr. Abe replies “After the incident, at the next NSC meeting we are scheduled to talk about the status of investigation of the cause, analysis, and information gathering.”
08:31 Interview ends
08:49 Speak with Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization Amari Akira and Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office Matsuyama Kenji
09:01 Finish speaking with Mr. Amari and Mr. Matsuyama
09:06 Nine Ministers’ Group of National Security Council meeting
09:21 Meeting ends
09:31 Headquarters for Water Cycle Policy meeting
09:39 Meeting ends
09:42 Cabinet Meeting begins
10:01 Cabinet Meeting ends
10:02 Speak with incoming Administrative Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Hara Katsunori and outgoing Administrative Vice-Minister Ebata Jun
10:07 Finish speaking with Mr. Hara and Mr. Ebata
10:08 Speak with incoming Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Honda Masaru and outgoing Vice-Minister Masuda Yuichi
10:10 Finish speaking with Mr. Honda and Mr. Masuda
10:11 Speak with incoming Vice-Minister of the Environment Suzuki Masaki and outgoing Vice-Minister Yatsu Ryutaro
10:12 Finish speaking with Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Yatsu
10:13 Speak with incoming Vice-Minister Internal Affairs and Communications Oishi Toshio and outgoing Vice-Minister Okazaki Hiromi
10:14 Finish speaking with Mr. Oishi and Mr. Okazaki
10:22 Meet with Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru
10:52 End meeting with Mr. Kitamura
11:01 MOFA’s Vice-Minister Saiki Akitaka, Foreign Policy Bureau Director-General Hiramatsu Kenji, and Director-General of Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau Uemura Tsukasa enter
11:25 Mr. Uemura leaves
11:36 Mr. Saiki and Mr. Hiramatsu leave
11:38 Receive courtesy call from Yamanashi Fruit Lady Hayakawa Yukari, Governor of Yamanashi Prefecture Yokouchi Shomei and others
11:50 Courtesy call ends
12:16 Depart from office
12:41 Arrive at Haneda Airport
01:05 Depart from airport on ANA Flight 3879
02:24 Arrive at Kitakyushu Airport
02:35 Depart from airport
03:10 Arrive at hydrogen dispensing facility Kitakyushu Hydrogen Station [北九州水素ステーション] in Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu City. Reception with LDP Lower House member Mihara Asahiko and colleagues. Test drive a fuel-cell car
03:24 Depart from Kitakyushu Hydrogen Station
03:31 Arrive at real estate section Hachiman of Yawata Steel Works, belonging to Nippon Steel Corporation. View the steel works [Company used Allied POW slave labor, many Americans and British Indian Army]
03:46 Depart from the steel works
04:17 Arrive at poultry farm Hatanaka Ikusujyo [畠中育雛場] in Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Sample tamagokakegohan (raw egg over rice) and ice cream, purchase roll cake
04:33 Depart from poultry farm
05:23 Arrive at TNC Broadcasting Center in Sawara Ward, Fukuoka City. Test out robots in testing space Robo Square, and exchange ideas with managers of start-up companies
05:48 Interview open to all media: When asked “What was your goal in inspecting the hydrogen station?” Mr. Abe answers “[To see] the car of a new era, that is easy on the environment. I want the Japanese Government starting with government officials to begin adhering strictly to the use of this car.”
05:53 Interview ends
05:56 Depart from TNC Broadcasting Center
06:10 Arrive at Nakasu District in Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City. Participate in parade opposing Fukuoka crime syndicates
06:24 Depart from Nakasu District
06:28 Arrive at traditional Japanese restaurant Sagano in Hakata Ward. Dinner meeting with Chairman of Kyushu Economic Federation Aso Yutaka, Chairperson of Kyushu Electric Power Company Nuki Masayoshi, Chairman of JR Kyushu Ishihara Susumu and Executive Vice-President of TOTO Saruwatari Tatsuhiko
08:34 Depart from restaurant
09:51 Arrive at personal residence in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Saturday, July 19, 2014
12:00 At personal residence (no visitors)
08:00 At personal residence in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
09:48 Depart from residence
10:12 Arrive at temple Togyoan in Shimonoseki. Offer flowers at grave of Takasugi Shinsaku
10:53 Depart from temple
10:57 Arrive at asparagus farm Murajo Yume Plantation [村上夢農園 : Murajo Yume Nouen] in Shimonoseki City. Harvest some asparagus, have lunch
12:06 Depart from Murajo Yume Plantation
12:41 Arrive at wedding hall Seamall Palace in Shimonoseki City
12:45 Interview with TV Yamaguchi in conference room Botan
01:05 Interview ends
01:33 Attend meeting of a women support group in banquet hall Emerald
02:44 Meeting ends
02:45 Depart from Seamall Palace
02:48 Arrive at shop Shimonoseki Daimaru and browse
02:50 Depart from shop
02:53 Arrive at Shimonoseki Station Building ripie in Shimonseki City and browse. Take commemorative photo with children at Shimonoseki City facility for nurturing the next generation Fukufuku Kodomokan [ふくふくこども館]
03:11 Depart from ripie
03:12 Arrive at JR Shimonoseki Station, view the station. Mayor of Shimonoseki City Nakao Tomiaki accompanies
03:24 Depart from station
03:30 Arrive at movie theater Cinema Sunshine Shimonoseki in Shimonoseki City and browse
03:35 Depart from movie theater
03:40 Arrive at Shimonoseki City Hall and browse. Give lecture at Choshu Seiron Forum One-Year Anniversary Commemorative Symposium in great hall
05:39 Depart from Shimonoseki City Hall
05:44 Arrive at Seamall Palace, informal talk with Choshu Seiron Forum members in banquet hall Emerald
07:23 Depart from Seamall Palace
07:29 Arrive at yakiniku restaurant Yakiniku Yasumori Shimonoseki Green Mall Main Shop in Shimonoseki City. Dinner meeting with LDP Lower House member Inoue Takahiro, Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture Muraoka Tsugumasa, and President of Sankei Shimbun Kumasaka Takamitsu
09:00 Depart from yakiniku restaurant
09:12 Arrive at personal residence
Sunday, July 20, 2014
12:00 At personal residence (no visitors)
07:59 Depart from personal residence in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
08:36 Arrive at Kitakyushu Airport
09:06 Depart from airport on ANA Flight 3876
10:21 Arrive at Haneda Airport
10:37 Depart from airport
11:07 Arrive at international convention complex Pacifico Yokohama in Nishi Ward, Yokohama City. Attend and give lecture at Summer Conference 2014 hosted by Junior Chamber International Japan [日本青年会議所 : Nippon Seinen Kaigisho] in Exhibition Hall
12:01 Depart from Pacifico Yokohama
12:41 Arrive at hotel Grand Hyatt Tokyo in Roppongi, Tokyo. Exercise at NAGOMI Spa and Fitness
04:09 Depart from hotel
04:33 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
Provisional Translation for APP by Erin M. Jones
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
07:27 Depart from official residence
07:28 Arrive at office
07:30 Meet with Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato Katsunobu
08:08 End meeting with Mr. Kato
08:52 Depart from office
08:53 Arrive at Diet
08:55 Enter Lower House 1st Committee Members’ Room
08:56 Speak with LDP Vice-President Komura Masahiko
08:57 Finish speaking with Mr. Komura
08:58 Lower House Budget Committee convenes
12:00 Lower House Budget Committee recess
12:01 Leave Lower House 1st Committee Members’ Room
12:03 Depart from Diet
12:05 Arrive at office
12:10 Ruling Party Liaison Conference
12:31 Conference ends
12:32 Speak with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Aso Taro and Director-General of LDP Election Strategy Committee Kawamura Takeo
12:33 Finish speaking with Mr. Aso and Mr. Kawamura
12:55 Depart from office
12:56 Arrive at Diet
12:58 Enter Lower House 1st Committee Members’ Room
01:00 Lower House Budget Committee reconvenes
05:06 Committee adjourns
05:07 Leave Lower House 1st Committee Members’ Room
05:09 Depart from Diet
05:11 Arrive at office
05:12 Meet with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)’s Administrative Vice-Ministers Saiki Akitaka and Sugiyama Shinsuke, Foreign Policy Bureau Director-General Hiramatsu Kenji, and Director-General of European Affairs Bureau Hayashi Hajime
05:42 End meeting with Mr. Saiki, Mr. Sugiyama, Mr. Hiramatsu, and Mr. Hayashi
05:43 Speak with Minister of Defense Onodera Itsunori
05:49 Finish speaking with Mr. Onodera
06:06 Depart from office
06:15 Arrive at Imperial Palace, register return to Japan
06:22 Depart from Imperial Palace
06:32 Arrive at Hotel Okura in Toranomon, Tokyo. Attend reception for International Conference of Industrial Heritage in banquet hall Heian Room
07:01 Depart from hotel
07:06 Arrive at official residence
07:07 Dinner meeting with President of Asian Forum Japan (AFJ) Yoshihara Kinichi
08:46 Meet with Chairman of Lower House Committee on Cabinet Shibayama Masahiko
09:21 End meeting with Mr. Shibayama
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
07:17 Depart from official residence
07:18 Arrive at office
07:19 Meet with Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Seko Hiroshige
08:21 End meeting with Mr. Seko
08:23 Cabinet Meeting begins
08:34 Cabinet Meeting ends
08:35 Meet with Mr. Seko
08:52 End meeting with Mr. Seko
08:55 Depart from office
08:56 Arrive at Diet
08:58 Enter Upper House 1st Committee Members’ Room
09:00 Upper House Budget Committee convenes
11:54 Committee recess
11:55 Leave room
11:56 Depart from Diet
11:59 Arrive at office
12:54 Depart from office
12:56 Arrive at Diet
12:58 Enter Upper House 1st Committee Members’ Room
01:00 Upper House Budget Committee reconvenes
05:22 Committee adjourns
05:23 Leave room
05:25 Depart from Diet
05:27 Arrive at office
L to R: Green, Nye, Blair, Armitage, Hamre, Abe REPORT |
05:46 Mr. Yachi and Mr. Shimohira leave
05:52 Mr. Kitamura leaves
05:55 Meet with U.S.-Japan Commission on the Future of the Alliance’s U.S. think tank CSIS President John J. Hamre and colleagues
[funded by Sasakawa Peace Foundation]
06:20 End meeting with Mr. Hamre
06:41 Depart from office
06:45 Arrive at ANA Intercontinental Hotel Tokyo in Akasaka, Tokyo. Attend and give address at the meeting of a nursing policy group [看護政策懇話会 : Kango Seisaku Konwakai] in Japanese restaurant Unkai
07:05 Depart from hotel
07:11 Arrive at official residence
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
07:35 Depart from official residence
07:46 Arrive at JR Tokyo Station
07:56 Depart station on Hayabusa No. 101
09:30 Arrive at JR Sendai Station
09:38 Depart from station. Minister for Reconstruction Nemoto Takumi accompanies
10:26 Arrive at Fisheries Promotion Center in Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Prefecture. Reception with Vice-Governor of Miyagi Prefecture Wako Masahiro and Mayor of Shichigahama Town Watanabe Yoshio. Pray in front of cenotaph. View Fisheries Promotion Center
10:51 Depart from Fisheries Promotion Center
11:46 Arrive at agricultural corporation Agriead Naruse [アグリードなるせ] in Nobiru, Higashimatsuyama City, Miyagi Prefecture. Reception by Mayor of Higashimatsuyama City Abe Hideo. View site
12:08 Depart from Agriead Naruse
12:25 Arrive at wedding hall Presetir Uchiyasu in Omagari, Higashimatsuyama City. Have lunch with Mr. Wako and Mr. Abe
12:54 Depart from wedding hall
01:00 Arrive at emergency housing in Komatsu, Higashimatsuyama City. View housing and have informal talk with occupants
01:21 Interview open to all media: When asked “What were your thoughts while viewing [the emergency housing]” Mr. Abe answers “[I felt] a sense that livelihood [in the region] will be once again certain through continued reconstruction efforts”
01:25 Interview ends
01:27 Depart from emergency housing
02:24 Arrive at JR Sendai Station
02:44 Depart from station on Yamabiko No. 144
04:50 Arrive at JR Tokyo Station
04:54 Depart from station
05:07 Arrive at office
05:08 Minister of Finance Aso Taro, Ministry of Finance’s Budget Bureau Director-General Kagawa Shunsuke, Budget Bureau Director-General Tanaka Kazuho, and Tax Bureau Director-General Sato Shinichi enter
05:35 Mr. Kagawa, Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Sato leave
05:46 Mr. Aso leaves
05:47 Speak with former Ambassador to Myanmar Numata Mikio
05:52 Finish speaking with Mr. Numata
05:53 Meet with Ministry of Defense’s Bureau of Defense Policy Director-General Tokuchi Hideshi and Joint Staff Council’s Chief of Staff Iwasaki Shigeru
06:10 End meeting with Mr. Tokuchi and Mr. Iwasaki
06:37 Meet with French Ambassador to Japan Christian Masset
06:52 End meeting with Mr. Masset
07:05 Dinner with a group of ambassadors from Islamic countries
07:26 Finish dinner
07:27 Depart from office
07:29 Arrive at official residence
Thursday, July 17, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
08:00 At official residence (no morning visitors)
08:35 Depart from official residence
08:36 Arrive at office
08:37 Meet with Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform Inada Tomomi and Director-General of Personnel Affairs Kato Katsunobu
09:01 End meeting with Ms. Inada and Mr. Kato
09:02 Minister in charge of TPP Amari Akira, Chief Domestic Coordinator of Government Headquarters for the TPP Sasaki Toyonari and Chief Negotiator Tsuruoka Koji enter
09:17 Mr. Sasaki and Mr. Tsuruoka leave
09:29 Mr. Amari leaves
09:33 Council for Science, Technology and Innovation meeting
10:01 Meeting ends
10:08 Council for the Protection of Information meeting
11:00 Meeting ends
11:01 Speak with Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense Nishi Masanori
11:15 Finish speaking with Mr. Nishi
11:47 Courtesy call from Mayor of Kunimi Town (in Fukushima Prefecture), Miss Peach Lady Aikawa Kaede, and others
11:53 Courtesy call ends
11:54 Meet with Director of Kyoto University’s Kokoro Research Center Yoshikawa Sakiko
01:20 End meeting with Ms. Yoshikawa
01:21 Speak with critic Nishimura Kohyu
01:32 Finish speaking with Mr. Nishimura
01:33 Meet with Governor of Tokyo Prefecture Masuzoe Yoichi. Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide also attends
01:53 End meeting with Mr. Masuzoe
01:58 Receive courtesy call from a South Korean media delegation led by Editor-in-Chief of Chosun Ilbo Song Hee-young, and colleagues
02:31 Courtesy call ends
02:32 Meet with LDP Lower House member Kawai Katsuyuki
02:48 End meeting with Mr. Kawai
03:31 Depart from office
03:33 Arrive at Lower House 1st Diet Members’ Meeting Hall, dental examination at dentist’s office inside the hall
04:21 Depart from meeting hall
04:23 Arrive at office
04:27 Council for the Promotion of Social Security Reform meeting
04:29 Meeting ends
04:30 Meet with Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ohta Akihiro
04:49 End meeting with Mr. Ohta
04:50 Speak with Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Isozaki Yosuke
05:00 Finish speaking with Mr. Isozaki
05:02 Ministerial Council on Monthly Economic Report and Other Relative Issues meeting
05:25 Meeting ends
05:30 NSC meeting commences. Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Motegi Toshimitsu also attends
05:47 Mr. Motegi leaves
06:25 NSC meeting adjourns
07:07 Depart from office
07:08 Arrive at official residence
Friday, July 18, 2014
12:00 At official residence (no visitors)
08:00 At official residence (no morning visitors)
08:28 Depart from official residence
08:29 Arrive at Diet
08:30 Interview open to all media: When asked “What was your correspondence with the government concerning the Malaysian plane crash?” Mr. Abe replies “After the incident, at the next NSC meeting we are scheduled to talk about the status of investigation of the cause, analysis, and information gathering.”
08:31 Interview ends
08:49 Speak with Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization Amari Akira and Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office Matsuyama Kenji
09:01 Finish speaking with Mr. Amari and Mr. Matsuyama
09:06 Nine Ministers’ Group of National Security Council meeting
09:21 Meeting ends
09:31 Headquarters for Water Cycle Policy meeting
09:39 Meeting ends
09:42 Cabinet Meeting begins
10:01 Cabinet Meeting ends
10:02 Speak with incoming Administrative Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Hara Katsunori and outgoing Administrative Vice-Minister Ebata Jun
10:07 Finish speaking with Mr. Hara and Mr. Ebata
10:08 Speak with incoming Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Honda Masaru and outgoing Vice-Minister Masuda Yuichi
10:10 Finish speaking with Mr. Honda and Mr. Masuda
10:11 Speak with incoming Vice-Minister of the Environment Suzuki Masaki and outgoing Vice-Minister Yatsu Ryutaro
10:12 Finish speaking with Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Yatsu
10:13 Speak with incoming Vice-Minister Internal Affairs and Communications Oishi Toshio and outgoing Vice-Minister Okazaki Hiromi
10:14 Finish speaking with Mr. Oishi and Mr. Okazaki
10:22 Meet with Director of Cabinet Intelligence Kitamura Shigeru
10:52 End meeting with Mr. Kitamura
11:01 MOFA’s Vice-Minister Saiki Akitaka, Foreign Policy Bureau Director-General Hiramatsu Kenji, and Director-General of Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau Uemura Tsukasa enter
11:25 Mr. Uemura leaves
11:36 Mr. Saiki and Mr. Hiramatsu leave
11:38 Receive courtesy call from Yamanashi Fruit Lady Hayakawa Yukari, Governor of Yamanashi Prefecture Yokouchi Shomei and others
11:50 Courtesy call ends
12:16 Depart from office
12:41 Arrive at Haneda Airport
01:05 Depart from airport on ANA Flight 3879
02:24 Arrive at Kitakyushu Airport
02:35 Depart from airport
03:10 Arrive at hydrogen dispensing facility Kitakyushu Hydrogen Station [北九州水素ステーション] in Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu City. Reception with LDP Lower House member Mihara Asahiko and colleagues. Test drive a fuel-cell car
03:24 Depart from Kitakyushu Hydrogen Station
03:31 Arrive at real estate section Hachiman of Yawata Steel Works, belonging to Nippon Steel Corporation. View the steel works [Company used Allied POW slave labor, many Americans and British Indian Army]
03:46 Depart from the steel works
04:17 Arrive at poultry farm Hatanaka Ikusujyo [畠中育雛場] in Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Sample tamagokakegohan (raw egg over rice) and ice cream, purchase roll cake
04:33 Depart from poultry farm
05:23 Arrive at TNC Broadcasting Center in Sawara Ward, Fukuoka City. Test out robots in testing space Robo Square, and exchange ideas with managers of start-up companies
05:48 Interview open to all media: When asked “What was your goal in inspecting the hydrogen station?” Mr. Abe answers “[To see] the car of a new era, that is easy on the environment. I want the Japanese Government starting with government officials to begin adhering strictly to the use of this car.”
05:53 Interview ends
05:56 Depart from TNC Broadcasting Center
06:10 Arrive at Nakasu District in Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City. Participate in parade opposing Fukuoka crime syndicates
06:24 Depart from Nakasu District
06:28 Arrive at traditional Japanese restaurant Sagano in Hakata Ward. Dinner meeting with Chairman of Kyushu Economic Federation Aso Yutaka, Chairperson of Kyushu Electric Power Company Nuki Masayoshi, Chairman of JR Kyushu Ishihara Susumu and Executive Vice-President of TOTO Saruwatari Tatsuhiko
08:34 Depart from restaurant
09:51 Arrive at personal residence in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Saturday, July 19, 2014
12:00 At personal residence (no visitors)
08:00 At personal residence in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
09:48 Depart from residence
10:12 Arrive at temple Togyoan in Shimonoseki. Offer flowers at grave of Takasugi Shinsaku
10:53 Depart from temple
10:57 Arrive at asparagus farm Murajo Yume Plantation [村上夢農園 : Murajo Yume Nouen] in Shimonoseki City. Harvest some asparagus, have lunch
12:06 Depart from Murajo Yume Plantation
12:41 Arrive at wedding hall Seamall Palace in Shimonoseki City
12:45 Interview with TV Yamaguchi in conference room Botan
01:05 Interview ends
01:33 Attend meeting of a women support group in banquet hall Emerald
02:44 Meeting ends
02:45 Depart from Seamall Palace
02:48 Arrive at shop Shimonoseki Daimaru and browse
02:50 Depart from shop
02:53 Arrive at Shimonoseki Station Building ripie in Shimonseki City and browse. Take commemorative photo with children at Shimonoseki City facility for nurturing the next generation Fukufuku Kodomokan [ふくふくこども館]
03:11 Depart from ripie
03:12 Arrive at JR Shimonoseki Station, view the station. Mayor of Shimonoseki City Nakao Tomiaki accompanies
03:24 Depart from station
03:30 Arrive at movie theater Cinema Sunshine Shimonoseki in Shimonoseki City and browse
03:35 Depart from movie theater
03:40 Arrive at Shimonoseki City Hall and browse. Give lecture at Choshu Seiron Forum One-Year Anniversary Commemorative Symposium in great hall
05:39 Depart from Shimonoseki City Hall
05:44 Arrive at Seamall Palace, informal talk with Choshu Seiron Forum members in banquet hall Emerald
07:23 Depart from Seamall Palace
07:29 Arrive at yakiniku restaurant Yakiniku Yasumori Shimonoseki Green Mall Main Shop in Shimonoseki City. Dinner meeting with LDP Lower House member Inoue Takahiro, Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture Muraoka Tsugumasa, and President of Sankei Shimbun Kumasaka Takamitsu
09:00 Depart from yakiniku restaurant
09:12 Arrive at personal residence
Sunday, July 20, 2014
12:00 At personal residence (no visitors)
07:59 Depart from personal residence in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
08:36 Arrive at Kitakyushu Airport
09:06 Depart from airport on ANA Flight 3876
10:21 Arrive at Haneda Airport
10:37 Depart from airport
11:07 Arrive at international convention complex Pacifico Yokohama in Nishi Ward, Yokohama City. Attend and give lecture at Summer Conference 2014 hosted by Junior Chamber International Japan [日本青年会議所 : Nippon Seinen Kaigisho] in Exhibition Hall
12:01 Depart from Pacifico Yokohama
12:41 Arrive at hotel Grand Hyatt Tokyo in Roppongi, Tokyo. Exercise at NAGOMI Spa and Fitness
04:09 Depart from hotel
04:33 Arrive at private residence in Tomigaya, Tokyo
Provisional Translation for APP by Erin M. Jones
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