CRUDE OIL EXPORTS: MARKET DRIVERS AND NEAR-TERM IMPLICATIONS. 2/10, 9:30-11:30am. Sponsor: Energy and National Security Program, CSIS. Speakers: Roger Diwan, Senior Director, IHS Energy Insight; Ed Morse, Global Head, Commodities, Citi Research; Kevin Book, Managing Director, ClearView Energy Partners; Michael Cohen, Vice President and Lead Oil Market Analyst, Americas, Barclays.
IRAN'S TUMULTUOUS REVOLUTION: 35 YEARS LATER. 2/10, 11:00am-12:30pm. Sponsors: Middle East Program, Wilson Center; Carnegie Endowment. Speakers: Shaul Bakhash, Professor of History, George Mason University; Mehdi Khalaji, Senior Fellow, Washington Institute for Near East Policy; John Limbert, Professor of International Affairs, US Naval Academy; Karim Sadjadpour, Senior Associate, Middle East Program, Carnegie.
BOOM OR BUST? HOW EXPORT RESTRICTIONS IMPERIL AMERICA'S OIL AND GAS BONANZA. 2/10, 11:30am-1:00pm. Sponsor: CATO Institute. Speakers: James Bacchus, Former Appellate Body Jurist, WTO; Scott Lincicome, Adjunct Scholar, CATO; Mark Perry, Professor of Economics, University of Michigan.
DO POLITICIANS' RELATIVES GET BETTER JOBS? EVIDENCE FROM MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES. 2/10, Noon-1:00pm. Sponsor: Center for Global Development (CGD). Speaker: Julien Labonne, Research Fellow, Oxford University.
SHADOW FINANCIAL REGULATORY COMMITTEE. 2/10, Noon-1:30pm. Sponsor: American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Speakers: George Kaufman, Co-Chairman, Loyola University Chicago; Kenneth Dam, University of Chicago and Brookings; Robert Eisenbeis, Cumberland Advisors; Edward Kane, Boston College; Kenneth Scott, Stanford Law School.
AFGHANISTAN DEVELOPMENT GOALS: 2014 AND BEYOND. 2/10, 12:15-1:45pm. Sponsor: New American Foundation. Speakers: Donald Sampler Jr., Assistant to the Administrator, Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs, US Agency for International Development; Jarrett Blanc, Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, US Department of State.
CRISIS RESPONSE IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA. 2/10, 2:00-3:30pm. Sponsor: Atlantic Council. Speaker: Scott Benedict, Commander, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force-Crisis Response.
THE FUTURE OF A POST-PAX AMERICANA MIDDLE EAST? 2/10, 4:15pm. Sponsor: Atlantic Council. Speaker: Michael Oren, Ambassador-in-Residence, Atlantic Council.
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