Friday, March 18, 2011

More disaster chatter

The Aftermath and Implications of the
World’s Fifth Largest Earthquake

Friday, March 18, 2:00-3:30 pm

The Brookings Institution
Washington, DC

Introduction and Moderator
Martin Indyk, Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy

Richard Bush
, Senior Fellow and Director, Center for NEA Policy Studies
Charles Ebinger, Senior Fellow and Director, Energy Security Initiative
Elizabeth Ferris, Senior Fellow and Director, Project on Internal Displacement
Barry Bosworth, Senior Fellow

Tuesday, March 22, 6:00-7:30pm

Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School
Columbia University, New York, New York


David J. Brenner, Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University; Director of the Center for Radiological Research (CRR); Director of the Columbia University Radiological Research Accelerator Facility (RARAF)

Prof. Brenner is an expert in the field of identifying the effects of low doses of radiation relating to medical, occupational, and environmental exposures, and winner of the the 1992 National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Award for Radiation Protection in Medicine.

Gerald L. Curtis, Burgess Professor of Political Science; Director, Toyota Research Program, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University

Prof. Curtis has published extensively on Japanese politics and serves as a columnist for numerous Japanese and US news publications. He was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star by the Emperor of Japan, one of the highest honors bestowed by the Japanese government.

David E. Weinstein, Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy; Associate Director for Research, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School; Executive Director, Program for Economic Research, Columbia University

Prof. Weinstein has written extensively on the economic impact of catastrophic events in Japan as well as on trade, macro, and financial economics. Prof. Weinstein is the winner of numerous grants and awards and has served as an advisor to the Japanese Cabinet Office and to the Federal Reserve Bank.

Curtis J. Milhaupt (Moderator), Fuyo Professor of Japanese Law; Parker Professor of Comparative Corporate Law; Vice Dean, Columbia Law School

Prof. Milhaupt is an expert on the Japanese legal system, and has published widely in the fields of corporate governance and law and economic development.

Wednesday, March 23, Noon-2:00pm

Japan Society, New York

Robert Dujarric
, Director, Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies, Temple University Japan
Ambassador Shigeyuki Hiroki, Consul General of Japan in New York
Takashi Imamura, Vice President & General Manager, Marubeni America Corp., Washington, D.C.
Paul Scalise, Adjunct Fellow, Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies, Temple University Japan

50% of all admission sales will go to Japan Society's Earthquake Relief Fund.

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