Sunday, September 12, 2010

Case of the Mondays

Election season has begun and experts are busy presenting themselves and their ideas to the political community. There are so many conferences and seminars this month that APP's newsletter to members on Monday evening will be extraordinarily long. Below are some of the events happening just on Monday, September 13th, which will not be captured by the newsletter.

CHINA’S ECONOMY: BOOM OR BUBBLE? 9/13, 4:30-6:00pm, Washington, DC. Sponsor: China Studies, SAIS. Speaker: Robert Chovanec, associate professor at Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management. 

JAPAN ECONOMIC OUTLOOK: FROM SWEET SPOT TO SWEET SPOT. 9/13, 5:00-7:00pm, Washington, DC. Sponsor: International Economics, SAIS. Speaker: Robert Feldman, managing director of Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd/Research. 

PAKISTAN'S ECONOMY: EDGING TOWARD AN ABYSS OR PULLING BACK? 9/13, 2:00pm-4:00pm,Washington, DC. Sponsor: Woodrw Wilson Center (WWC). Speakers: Shahid Javed Burki, senior scholar at WWC; Jehangir Karamat of the Institute of Public Policy Executive Council; and Parvez Hasan and Ziad Alahdad of the Institute of Public Policy Executive Council at Beaconhouse National University. 

THE OTHER SIDE OF WAR: WHY EMPOWERING WOMEN IS CRUCIAL: WHAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, CONGO, AND BEYOND. 9/13, 3:00-4:00pm,Washington, DC. Sponsor: National Press Club. Speaker: Zainab Salbi, Founder of Women for Women International. 

AMERICA AND NEW NUCLEAR STRATEGY. 9/13, 7:00pm-9:00pm,Washington, DC. Sponsor: Elliott School of International Affairs, GWU. Speaker: Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN), Ranking Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. 

AIR AND SPACE CONFERENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EXPO. 9/13-9/15, 9:00am-4:30pm, National Harbor, MD. Sponsor: Air Force Association. Keynote Speakers: Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Michael B. Donley, Secretary of the Air Force; General Norton A. Schwartz, USAF Chief of Staff; James A. Roy, Chief Master Sergeant of Air Force.

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